Comportamiento Inusual de Sarcoma de alto grado de malignidad en abdomen. Reporte de un caso
Unusual Behavior of High-grade sarcoma malignancy in abdomen. A case report
Soft tissue sarcomas appear in any location and include more than 50 histological types; they originate from mesodermal embryonic tissue, ectoderm or neuroectoderm. They are infrequent and represent 1% of highly aggressive abdominal solid tumors in adults. The most aggressive and with major metastatic capacity are high-grade sarcomas, while low-grade ones are aggressive but of local form. In this regard, the case of a 52-year-old female patient, from a rural area, with 3 months of onset of symptoms, is presented. The patient showed a progressive increase in abdominal volume, sensation of weight and palpable mass, concomitant vomiting, weakness, weight loss and lower limb edema. Abdominal ultrasound was performed which showed a sonographically mixed tumor of 16 x 20 cm in the midline. A CT scan showed a heterogeneous space-occupying lesion, oval, with irregular borders of 15 x 10 cm that displaces thin bowel loops. The medial laparotomy showed no peritoneal implants and carcinomatosis; the tumor was highly vascularized, encapsulated, of smooth contexture, firm, and with defined edges of 15 x 20 cm. After resection, no lymphadenopathy or local and distant metastases were observed. The pathology report identified a high-grade sarcoma. After two years of surgery, no metastasis was found. In contrast to what is reported in the literature, the sarcoma remained "benign" despite its histology, which is unusual considering the natural history of the disease
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